Setting up the Application

  1. Manager button.jpgManager pages settings.jpgOn iPad, open the Manager pages and click Settings.
  2. Select the Cogwheel and turn Use Employee Clock In/Out on.
    Use employee clockin.jpg
  3. Open LinkPOS application. The timeclock will now be displayed on the upper right hand corner of the login screen of the application. Tap the box to enter.
    Clock In-Out Login Screen.jpg

Using the Timeclock

Clock In/Out Screen
  1. Select the employee name. Enter their password (will be the same password used as on the LinkPOS login screen). Select clock-in or clock-out.
  2. An employee must be set up as a Cashier on the web portal or they will not be able to use the LinkPOS timeclock.
  3. Once the punch is complete, select “Cancel” to return to the main screen.


  • Print on Clock-Out – print hours accrued for the day.
  • Print Pay Period – print hours from pay period.
  • Projects – multiple projects can be created on the web portal for tracking payroll/hours according to the needs of the business.

Time-Record Approval & Edits

Open a web browser and log in to -> App Settings -> People -> Time Approval

Time approval.jpg

Time Approval is used by owners and managers to review and approve time punch records by employees. It should be done on a regular basis to ensure accuracy.

  • Recommend using Pay Period Lookup option
  • Can view by All Employees, or by single selected employee
  • Can include Approved Records with unapproved time records by checking box below “Records”

Time punch records cannot be deleted due to liability and auditing. However, the records can be edited through the Hours field on the Time Approval page:

  • To “zero” out a punch, change the Hours field to 0. Save.
  • To change a punch, edit the Hours field. Save.
  • We recommend adding a note to any edit explaining the reason why it was made, for future reference.
  • Time Approval can be done by Employee, by Pay Period, or by Date Range.
Time record.jpg

New Time Records can be added on this page for hours or specific timeclock punches.

  • Select ‘Add Record’ button.
  • Add time in & time out records – OR – enter number of hours in ‘Hours’ field
  • Select employee name and Project Name (if applicable).
  • We recommend adding a note to any addition explaining the reason why the time record was added, for future reference.
  • Select ‘Add Record’. Time record will now show as unapproved and will require approval.

To approve hours, ensure all boxes in the 'Approve' column are checked for approval and select the Approve All button at the bottom of the time records.

  • Once a time record has been approved, ‘YES’ will show in the ‘Approved’ column
  • To view previously approved hours, select “Show Approved Records”, date range, pay period and/or employee, then Preview.

Adding Timeclock Users

  1. Open browser with LinkPOS web portal: Login.
  2. Select App Settings → Cashiers to add additional timeclock users:
    Cashiers Menu.jpg
  3. Select New to create a new employee record for the timeclock:
    New Employee.png
  4. Complete all required fields marked by *. Scroll down to complete all, there are more at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select any additional desired options for the employee access.
    1. Note: this is also the same place to enter a new user for the application, whether or not they are using the timeclock.
    2. Additional questions on the specific box items can be answered by our Support Team via email or phone.
  6. Once the required and additional fields desired have been completed, click Save. The newly created Cashier should then appear in the drop down box for Cashiers.
  7. If edits are needed for an existing employee cashier record, select the employee name from the drop down box. Review selections, make changes, and save.


All reports are located on the web portal at App Settings → People

Pay Period Summary

  • Provides summary of pay period hours for all employees in table format. Can be exported to Excel as .csv file.
  • Shows regular hours (rounded to nearest quarter hour) versus project hours (unrounded hours).

Pay Period Gross Pay

  • Useful for viewing hours, pay rate and gross pay for a pay period. Pay rates must be maintained under the different cashiers for this to be correct.

Employee Summary

  • Useful for seeing a single employee’s pay period at a glance. Will show which days have approved, new (unapproved) or no punches. Select any date to see the specific punches for that day.
  • Once a date is selected, a punch can be added or approved.