To see the store hours on the iPad register you must enable it in settings.

From the login page select the cogwheel in the lower right corner, enter the password and then select the Settings button

Manager pages button.jpgManager pages settings.jpg

On the settings page go to the general settings tab and turn on Use Open/Close Store

1 store hours setting.jpg

Touch Done and Done to get back to the login page. Now the store hours are shown on the top of the login screen.

2 store hours login.jpg

Closing the store temporarily

Touch the Open and Closed sign to close the store temporarily. Use the dialog that pops up to set the time when the store will close and re-open. Use the first time wheels to set when you want to close the store. Then use the second time wheels to set when the store will re-open. Then hit Save to save your selections. This does not change the regular store hours. This is a temporary override of the store hours. Use this function to close for a holiday, close early, or any other unscheduled closing.

3 close and reopen store.jpg

After saving you can see when the store is scheduled to close and reopen. If you made a mistake hit the Remove button to delete the temporary closing.

4 currently closing store.jpg

Setting the Regular Store Hours

Touch the Open/Close button on the login page and then select the Settings button to set the store hours.

2 store hours login.jpg5 store hours settings.jpg

From here you can set the regular hours the store is open during the week.

Use the Open and Close time wheels to select a time for the store to open and close. Then select the Set button next to the day you want to assign the opening and closing hours to. Repeat this for each day of the week. Use the Closed toggle button for days that the store is not open.

6 set store hours set.jpg

Once all the times are set for the week touch the Save button to save the store hours

7 set store hours save.jpg

Setting the Ordering Store Hours

Online or app ordering hours do not need to match the store hours. For example, it is common to stop accepting online orders before the store closes.

For this reason there is a separate section for Ordering Hours.

To set these hours first touch the Open/Close button on the login page and then select the Settings button in the upper left corner of the dialog.

2 store hours login.jpg5 store hours settings.jpg

From the Store Hours page touch the Ordering Hours button to set the ordering hours.

8 switch to ordering hours.jpg

Set the hours the same way you do the regular store hours. Select the Opening time and Closing time and then hit Set on each day to set the hours and then hit Save to save the selections.

9 set ordering hours.jpg

These will be the times when online orders can be placed. Outside these times the online ordering page will report that the store is closed and it cannot accept orders.