You may need to replace an iPad because you are upgrading the hardware or an existing device is damaged.

Here are the instructions for installing LinkPOS on a new iPad and replacing and existing iPad that won't be used anymore.

  1. Install the LinkPOS app
    1. Open Safari on the iPad
    2. Go to
    3. Click the Current Build
  2. Trust Olympus Technology Group from the iPad settings app so you can run the LinkPOS app
    1. Here are the instructions on how to do this
  3. Open the LinkPOS app
  4. Select "Log in to your account"
    1 login-create-demo.jpg
  5. Enter the credentials for your store and touch Login. If you don't know the company/store/password for your location contact LinkPOS support to get these values
    2 company store password.jpg
  6. Select "Restore an existing device"
    3 restore existing create new.jpg
  7. The app will get a list of all the existing devices from the LinkPOS server. Select the device you are replacing from the list.
    4 select device list.jpg
  8. It will confirm the device you want to restore. Touch Next
    5 selected device.jpg
  9. Touch Restore on the confirmation page
    6 confirm configuration.jpg
  10. You are intending to replace a device so touch Replace from the warning dialog. If you were adding a new register then you would enter another register number to make a unique register and then hit Restore. But in this example we are replacing a device so touch Replace.
    7 replace existing device.jpg
  11. The settings from the old device are loaded and then the app goes to the login screen. You can now use the new device. Please uninstall the app from the old device at this point so it doesn't conflict with the new app.
8 login screen.jpg

LinkPOS app access rights

During installation of the LinkPOS app the iPad will pop up dialogs and ask for permissions. You need to accept all of the permissions. You can select the "Only while using the app" options but always allow the permissions.

Allow local network.jpgUse bluetooth.jpg