How do I rehire an employee? (Payroll)

To rehire an employee, you'll need to go to their cashier page. To do this, you will go to the App Settings tab in the top right corner and then in the "People" column select "Cashiers."


Once again, the cashier page will look like this:

Rehire-cashier list.jpg

In the drop down, you can see a list of all of your current employees:

Rehire-cashier select.jpg

Since we need to see an inactive employee, we'll check the box that says "Include Inactive Cashiers."

Rehire-inactive cashiers.jpg

In this case, we will be rehiring Jane Doe, so click on her name in the dropdown, which should bring up her cashier page:

Rehire-cashier page.jpg

Then, scroll to the middle of the page below the termination section where it says "Rehire Employee."

Rehire-rehire employee.jpg

Simply click the button that says "Process Rehire." Once the page reloads, you should see a message at the top that says "User has been rehired."


Two things that you should note at this point: 1) the "Active" checkbox is still unselected, and 2) the employee's role is still "Terminated Employee." Both of these things still need to be adjusted. First, you'll need to recheck "Active" and the role "Employee."

Rehire-active employee.jpg

Second, you'll need to uncheck the role "Terminated Employee" and confirm that you do want to remove the role.

Rehire-confirm delete role.jpg

At this point, simply click "OK," and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save." Once the page reloads, you should see a message at the top that reads "Cashier saved." Congratulations! That's it!

Rehire-cashier saved.jpg