1. Open Chrome and enter this web address: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/
  2. A box will be in the middle of the screen, click the red “Create a new map” button.
  3. Enter the business address into the search bar on the top of the page
  4. Zoom out so you can see the entire delivery area
  5. Click the button below the maps search bar that looks like a uncompleted triangle. If you hover your mouse over the button it says, “Draw a Line.”
    Google map delivery area.jpg
  6. Create a delivery area using the draw a line tool. Find a good place to start and click the map to create a point. Use the draw a line tool to create a shape that is your delivery area.
    Google map delivery area.jpg
  7. Once the lines are connected it will say Polygon 1. You can rename this and save it.
  8. Verify the delivery area is correct and that all of the points are in the right spot. You can move a line by clicking the dot and placing it on the map where it needs to be.
  9. Locate the 3 dots to the right of “Untitled Map”
  10. Click the three dots then click the button: “Export to KML” or “Download KML”
    Google map delivery area export.jpg
  11. Set the options as shown, and press download.
    Export Google delivery map dialog.jpg
  12. Enable the “Use Delivery Area” option and click Save, then upload the file on the Advanced tab of the Stores page on the LinkPOS website
    Use delivery area.png