To enable online ordering with your LinkPOS account all of the following steps must be completed:

What you provide to LinkPOS

  • Provide a banner image to display across the top of the online ordering web page.
    • The image should be 750 pixels wide. The height can vary but 150 pixels is a good height.
  • Provide a merchant processor to process the credit card payments. This will most likely be the same merchant you use with LinkPOS. We will send you the documentation to fill out to create the online ordering merchant.
  • Provide a menu for online ordering.
    • This menu will probably not be the same menu you use with LinkPOS in your stores. This menu must be catered to end users. For example, you can't have employee pricing sections. You can't have variable priced items that a cashier would enter. You can't have multiple items that must be selected together. If you did have a menu like this the customers would just order free or reduced price items with missing pieces. You will probably want to make a copy of your in store menu and modify it to be customer friendly. Remove the items a customer isn't allowed to select. Combine items so that the customer always generates a valid order.
  • Provide the ordering hours - days and hours when orders can be placed online.
    • This might be slightly different than your store hours. For example you might want to stop taking online orders 1/2 hr before closing.
  • Choose the following options
    • Lead time for orders, eg 30 minutes.
    • Choose if you allow for future orders. Do you only accept immediate orders or can the customer select a day and time for the order.
    • Choose if you want the customer to be able to add a tip or not.
    • Choose if you want the customer to pay in full for the order or if you want their card to be authorized and then you will complete the order after it has been delivered/handed to the customer and signed for by the customer.

What LinkPOS will set up

  • LinkPOS will set up the online ordering credentials for your stores.
  • LinkPOS will get the online ordering account set up with your credit card merchant.
  • LinkPOS will create an online ordering app on your account and add the data you provide to our servers - banner image, ordering hours, etc.
  • LinkPOS will turn on the setting on your iPad registers to handle online orders.
  • LinkPOS will set your online ordering menu to print to a kitchen printer if you want online orders to print as they arrive.