Bump screens are used in prep stations in the store.

When orders are entered on a register device they are also sent to other bump screen devices in the store.

The orders on the bump screens can then be marked complete when the employee at the bump station has finished their task associated with the order.

Orders can be on multiple bump stations at a time and they are completed individually at each bump station. Completing an order on one station does not complete the order on another bump station. Also orders can be sent from one bump screen to another.

A simple example would be a drink shop. The bump screen device would be located at the drink prep station and it would display orders entered by the drive through and walk up registers. When the employee at the drink station finishes preparing the drinks for an order they would complete the order on the bump screen and place the order in the order up area or hand the order to the customer.

Store layout.jpg

Another example would be a restaurant that prepares hot food and cold items like salads. There would be two bump stations, one at the kitchen for the hot food and another at the salad station for the cold food. The hot items would be sent to the hot bump station and the cold items would be sent to the cold bump station. The employees at each station would prepare their portion of the order and then complete the order on their bump screen.

Hot cold example layout.jpg