Apple Airport Extreme router configuration
o The router must be configured so that it provides a traffic free network for the point of sale system only.
- Download the Airport Utility on your Apple Device (laptop, computer, iPad.)
- Connect the Airport Extreme to the internet providing router via Ethernet cable and also connect the Airport Extreme to power.
- Open the Airport Utility on your Apple Device and your device should be found under Other Airport Base Stations, click on the Airport Extreme. Change the network name (ex. SZPrinter).
- Change the Base name (ex. SZBase).
- Set the network password (ex. SZPrinter2013).
- Click done
- Click on the network and select edit
- Under Network change the router mode to DHCP and NAT
- Under Base Station turn off Allow setup over WAN
- Under Network click on Network Options
- Change the DHCP Range to
- Click Save
- Click Update