PAX Close Batch

Revision as of 14:22, 22 July 2022 by David Ashton (talk | contribs) (Initial creation)
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Touch the circle button at the bottom of the PAX device screen to return to the home page.

Select the BroadPOS app. The icon of this app will have PAX BroadPOS in the image. The name of the app will be your processor - Vantiv, TSYS, Chase, Omaha, etc.

Select the FUNC menu

Touch Batch

Touch Batch Close. If you don't have any paper in the on-device printer it will ask you if you want to continue without printing. Some people intentionally remove the paper so it won't print the report.

After the batch closes it will print out a summary with all of the batch transactions. If you don't want to print this report first remove the paper from the back of the device before executing the Batch Close command.

Close the BroadPOS app by selecting the circle button at the bottom of the screen

Open the LinkPOS app and you may continue processing

There is a batch for each PAX device you have. You will need to perform these actions on each device to close all transactions.