Create a manager override card

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In order to create a manager override card first log out of the app and select the cogwheel and store password to enter the manager pages.

Manager pages button.jpg

Select the employees page

Manager pages - employees.jpg

On the employees page select an employee that you want to have manager rights. This should probably be your own employee account.

Employee rights.jpg

Select the rights you want to use the manager card to perform. You can select all of the rights but in this example we turned on the manager, refund order, and go into offline mode rights.

Then select a card that you want to use as the manager card. It can have a magnetic swipe or a QR code on it. You can select an old gift card for example:

Old gift card.png

On the iPad either swipe the card or touch scan to scan the QR code.

After you have swiped or scanned the card the CardSwipe field will contain the data

Employee with swipe and save.jpg

If the CardSwipe field is blank swipe the card again. Once you have the rights selected and the card swipe entered touch the Save button to save the employee and enable the manager card.

Employee saved.jpg

Now hit Done and Done to get back to the login page. From the login page touch the refresh button in the lower left corner.

Refresh button.jpgRefresh.jpg

When the app is finished refreshing swipe the app off the screen and touch the LinkPOS icon to restart the app

Swipe off.jpgLogin.jpg

Login as a user without manager rights to test the new card

In this example we selected the Online/Offline button to put the app in offline mode.

Offline mode manager override swipe or scan.jpg

At this point either swipe the card or touch the scan button and scan the QR code.

Swiping manager card.jpgorScan card.jpg

Offline mode.jpg

The manager override is authenticated by the card and the app is put in offline mode. Now touch the offline button to return to online mode.

You manager card is ready to be used