Fixed Mount Scanner Setup
Zebra DS457 + Perle Serial Server DS1 or Devolinx STE-501C or STE-502C
Set up the Ethernet to serial Perle DS1 device
Log in to the web configuration page of the device -> Go to a web page and enter the ip address of the device
Login. The default user is admin and the default password is superuser
Set the static ip address
Set the device to TCP Sockets mode. Set the port for it to listen on and allow multiple connections.
Set the serial port settings. These are the settings that work with the Zebra fixed mount DS457 scanner. The Zebra scanner is a half duplex device.
Setup the Ethernet to serial Devolinx device
Run the Monitor app on a Windows machine to configure a new device. The app is found on the CD that comes with the device.
Select the device from the list and click Config
Enter the IP address and gateway you want to use. It should be on the same network as the rest of the LinkPOS devices (iPads, printers, etc)
Browse to the device web configuration page in a browser on the same network:
On the Networking page you can configure the device the same way the Monitor app does:
On the COM pages you can configure each port. Each port should be set up as a TCP Server and should listen on separate ports. This device is set up to listen on port 4660:
The default settings for the serial device are Baud Rate 9600, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. This works for the Zebra fixed mount DS 457 scanner and the POSX pole display.