If you would like to install the LinkPOS iPad app or have been asked to upgrade to the latest or a specific version of the app the first thing to do is bring up the Safari web browser on the iPad where the app will be installed:

  1. Touch the Safari icon

Open safari.jpg

  1. Touch the address bar at the top of the page

Safari address bar.jpg

  1. Go to the LinkPOS app download web page by entering this URL in the address bar: https://linkpos.net/app

Safari linkpos.net app page.jpg

  1. Touch the link under the Current Build section. If you have been asked to install a specific version then select the link for that version. In this screenshot the current version is 2047
    1. Select current build.jpg
    2. A dialog will pop up asking if you want to install the app. Touch Install
    3. Install current build.jpg
    4. After selecting Install, on the iPad home screen it will show the LinkPOS icon loading and then installing.
    5. LinkPOS loading and installing.jpg
  2. When the progress wheel finishes and the LinkPOS icon returns to normal, touch the LinkPOS icon to start the appUpdated version.jpg
  3. You can verify the new version installed at the bottom of the LinkPOS login screen. In this case it is 2047. The app is updated and ready to use.

Installing the app for the first time

If the app has not already been installed on the iPad then you will get this warning when touching the LinkPOS icon:

Untrusted warning.jpg

In order to run the app you must first allow the app to be run by trusting the LinkPOS enterprise developer - OlympusPOS LLC.

To do this you need to go to the iPad settings app

IPad settings app.jpg

From the settings app select General and then VPN & Device Management

Select general device management.jpg

From there select OlympusPOS LLC

Select OlympusPOS.jpg

Then touch Trust Olympus POS LLC and it will pop up a confirmation dialog where you will touch Trust again to trust the LinkPOS developer.

Trust OlympusPOS.jpg

At this point you can go back to the iPad home screen and touch the LinkPOS app to start the app.

Since this is the first time the app has been run on this iPad you will need the credentials for your store to log in. Please contact LinkPOS support and they can walk you through the steps to set up a new register or restore an existing one.